Thursday, May 21, 2009

Recap from 2008 - Trachtenfest in Ulm

Die Schwabenmetropole Ulm an der Donau. Als Nicht- Schwabe muss man sich erst dran gewoehnen, besonders an die Sprache! Wie heisst es so schoen im Volksmund:

Mir Schwobe kennet alles, nur koi Hochdeutsch!

Nach einer Zeit der Eingewoehnung kann man sich aber hier durchaus heimisch fuehlen.

Im vergangenen Jahr waren Rima und Ioannis aus Miami Beach hier bei uns zu Besuch, bei Rima hat's alte Heimatgefuehle geweckt, ihr Freund Ioannis aus Kuba hat es ebenfalls sehr genossen und will wiederkommen, vielleicht schon im kommenden Sommer - die Alten wuerden sich freuen!

Hier ein paar Fotos vom beliebten Trachtenfest an der Donau.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Back Porch party March 26, 2009

It was an enjoyable party with lots of food, some beer and mixed drinks, and great guitar playing by Dick.

Here is (from left) Joe from Massachusetts, Florindo, originally from Italy, and Loretta, his wife.

Dick's guitar playing was great entertainment.
Listening, or getting ready to take a photo, are Lita from the Philipines, Roy, her husband, a former Air Force officer, and Wilma, the guitar player's wife.

Terry, Joe's wife, is always ready for a joke.

Petra's glass art works were much admired.

Terry in action.
Food was in abundance.
There's always a topic to discuss.

All of these guys are avid dancers, meeting at least once a week at Joe Cotti's dance afternoon.
The hosts in original Bavarian outfit.

A week later:
Our Chinese-American friends at a dinner party of the same group in the former NCO Club at Patrick AFB.